
Contact Dermatitis




Woman with glowing, healthy skin after professional dermatology treatment, showcasing smooth complexion and hydration.

Contact Dermatitis

An itchy, swollen rash caused by direct contact with a substance or an allergic reaction to the substance.

Contact dermatitis manifests in two forms. Firstly, irritant dermatitis arises from skin reacting to substances like soaps and cleaning agents. Opting for mild alternatives is key to prevention.

Secondly, allergic contact dermatitis occurs when the skin encounters allergens such as adhesives, dyes, or plants like poison ivy. Identifying the specific allergen can be challenging due to delayed rash onset.

While contact dermatitis can affect anyone, those with pre-existing skin conditions like eczema are more vulnerable. Symptoms vary and often alleviate upon removing the irritant or allergen.

How is it treated?

Identifying the source of skin irritation is crucial, followed by avoidance. Alleviate swelling and discomfort by applying a cool, wet cloth to the affected area. If the rash persists beyond four to six weeks, reach out to schedule an appointment at our office.

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Radiant woman with glowing skin enjoying a skincare treatment at a dermatology clinic.