




Woman with glowing, healthy skin after professional dermatology treatment, showcasing smooth complexion and hydration.
Severe psoriasis on elbows with red, scaly patches, treated by dermatologists to relieve symptoms and improve skin health.


Psoriasis is a chronic, noncontagious auto-immune skin disease characterized by patches of abnormal red, pink or purple skin and dry, itchy skin.

While there is no known cure, our board-certified dermatologists can prescribe topical treatments (from steroids to Vitamin D analogues to newer creams like Vtama and Zoryve), oral medications (Otezla, Sotyktu), light therapy, and even injectable medications that have the power to clear your psoriasis completely.

How is it treated?

While there is no known cure, our board-certified dermatologists can help to treat your psoriasis with topical treatments — such as corticosteroids — and oral retinoids to help keep symptoms under control and manageable. Our team may also recommend treatments such as salicylic acid, coal tar, retinoids and even something as simple as aloe vera. In some cases, we will recommend and administer light/phototherapy to ease symptoms.

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Radiant woman with glowing skin enjoying a skincare treatment at a dermatology clinic.